The Save Public Education Campaign (SPEC) has strongly condemned the reported over 500% hike in postgraduate hostel accommodation fees at Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile Ife, Osun State. In a statement issued by SPEC's Organizing Secretary, Damilola Owot, on Sunday, the group demanded the immediate reversal of this fee increase and rejected a concurrent 300% hike in undergraduate hostels, emphasizing the non-negotiable need for free, functional, and quality education at all levels.

The circular released by the office of Vice Dean, Division of Students Affairs, dated November 9, 2023, outlined the new accommodation fee structure for postgraduate students. According to the circular, postgraduate students now face charges of N50,000 for 3-bedded and N80,000 for single-bedded, representing a drastic increase from the initial N8,000 and N12,500, respectively—an alarming 525% and 540% hike.

SPEC expressed concern over the timing of the fee hike, considering the economic challenges faced by ordinary citizens due to policies that have increased the cost of living. The group highlighted the recent over 300% hike in the price of petrol (PMS) and criticized the government's response, citing a meager N35,000 wage award for federal workers and a lack of significant support for the education sector.

The campaign drew attention to global practices, where countries offer fee waivers, study grants, and tuition-free postgraduate studies to encourage research and knowledge growth. SPEC urged OAU authorities to abandon the fee hike, revert the accommodation fees, and expand public accommodation resources.

Additionally, SPEC called for a halt to attempts to displace postgraduate students and demanded the university build more hostel facilities, ensuring health compliance. The campaign encouraged postgraduate students to initiate struggles for a complete reversal of the fee hike, citing the tragic incident of a postgraduate student losing his life in 2022 due to inadequate hostel facilities.

While acknowledging financial constraints faced by university managements, SPEC advocated for a collective fight to secure at least a 26% budgetary allocation to public education and democratic control of institutional resources by workers, students, and communities. The statement concluded with a call to action for the pursuit of free and quality education through collective efforts.