Popular comedian and activist Mr. Macaroni has voiced his disapproval of comments made by President Bola Tinubu’s aides about former President Olusegun Obasanjo. Taking to his X account, the comedian argued that no spokesperson of the current administration has the moral authority to criticize past governments, given their lavish lifestyles while ordinary Nigerians face hardship.
Macaroni highlighted the irony of officials living in comfort—flying private jets, driving luxury cars, and enjoying privileges like allowances for food and transport—while citizens suffer from poverty, insecurity, and inflation.
He emphasized that the right to hold past or present administrations accountable belongs solely to the people. Macaroni also criticized supporters of harmful policies, urging Nigerians to unite against the political class causing the nation’s struggles.
"The current government is flogging the people mercilessly but still wants to dictate when and how the people should cry," he wrote, calling out the insensitivity of leaders who remain detached from the realities faced by everyday Nigerians.
Macaroni concluded by urging citizens to stand together and hold leaders accountable for the country's challenges.