Moses Bliss, a renowned Nigerian gospel artist, recently took the internet by storm with a new Instagram video featuring influencer Enioluwa and celebrity fashion designer Veekee James. The trio participated in the dance challenge for Bliss's latest song, "E Dey Flow," showcasing their dancing talents in a video that has garnered significant attention.
In the video, Moses Bliss, along with Enioluwa and Veekee James, demonstrated their moves to "E Dey Flow," a track that features Neeja, A-Jay Asika, Festizie, S.O.N Music, and Chizie. The song has been well-received, particularly within the gospel music community, and has sparked a dance challenge on social media platforms like TikTok, highlighting its cultural impact and widespread engagement.
The dance challenge has captivated many fans, with Moses Bliss surprising viewers with his impressive dance skills. His unexpected prowess in dancing led some to predict that he might outshine Enioluwa and Veekee James in the challenge.