Talent manager Teebillz recently shared a humorous and heartwarming moment with his 9-year-old son, Jamil "JamJam" Balogun. The playful interaction took place during a video call, where JamJam teasingly questioned his father's athletic prowess.
During the call, JamJam jokingly asked Teebillz why he wasn't playing in the NBA or competing in the Olympics, despite his claims of being athletic. The lighthearted remark left Teebillz amused and reflective.
In response, Teebillz shared the moment on social media, captioning the post with JamJam's question and adding a playful suggestion that his son ask his mother, Tiwa Savage, about his past achievements and what drew her to him. He humorously wrote, "Dad…as great as you claim to be how come you’re not in NBA or playing in the Olympics….. Go ask ur mama how nice I was and why she fell in love with me! It be your own twin!