In a recent statement issued on Friday, Ethiopian Airlines announced a prohibition on the use of luggage bags commonly referred to as "Ghana-Must-Go" on its flights across all airports in Nigeria. The airline's management explained that this restriction was prompted by the recurring issue of damages to conveyor belts at different airports, leading to substantial financial burdens for the airlines affected.

The official statement emphasized the necessity for passengers to adhere to this new regulation, outlining that the banned bags could only be transported if adequately packed in a carton or a hardcover rectangular container. The airline expressed concern over the frequent occurrences of damages to conveyor belts, underlining the consequential financial strain on the involved airlines.

The communication to passengers stressed the importance of cooperation in complying with this rule to ensure the seamless operation of Ethiopian Airlines flights. The intention behind this restriction is not only to mitigate the financial impact on the airline but also to minimize potential disruptions caused by damages to conveyor belts, ultimately enhancing the overall efficiency of flight operations.

In a tone of appreciation, the airline conveyed gratitude for passengers' understanding and ongoing support, emphasizing the significance of adhering to these guidelines for the collective benefit of all stakeholders in the aviation process.