In a recently surfaced video, a woman voiced her strong criticism against contemporary feminists, accusing them of indoctrinating women to disdain men and abandon their marriages. Clearly upset by the actions of feminists, she recorded a video to call them out for what she perceives as misleading other women.
In her impassioned statement, the woman argued that today's feminists focus solely on fostering animosity towards men rather than promoting the responsibilities expected of women. She adamantly expressed her independence but emphasized her refusal to identify as a feminist due to what she sees as the movement's inclination towards male hatred.
The woman firmly stated her belief in being a responsible woman, pledging to respect her husband, attend to domestic duties such as washing his clothes, and even kneeling to serve him meals. According to her, this dynamic is a fundamental part of a woman's role, while the husband's responsibility lies in providing for his wife.
She also cautioned against feminists encouraging women to leave their husbands over infidelity, arguing that divorce leads to regret as life outside of marriage can be arduous. She expressed her concerns about the feminist message, stating that it encourages women to abandon their homes at the slightest mistake by their husbands, advocating for what she sees as a misguided notion of independence.

In her own words, she highlighted her understanding of the current feminist movement, interpreting it as a message to women: "Hate men, don’t fulfill your responsibilities as a woman, and don’t appreciate your husband. If your husband makes a minor mistake, divorce him; don’t stay in your husband’s house. Embrace a foolish independence and work hard, so you won’t be controlled by any man."
The video, which captures her passionate perspective, has sparked discussions online, adding to the ongoing debate about feminism and gender roles.