Chef Dammy recently found herself in a whirlwind of controversy and fear after alleging that her life was in jeopardy due to her disclosures about a pastor who had financially supported her cook-a-thon competition. Reports surfaced, indicating that Chef Dammy was allegedly apprehended by the police AIG zone 1 in Akure after filing a petition against this pastor.

Expressing her concerns on Facebook late on October 19th, 2023, Chef Dammy disclosed her distress, indicating a sense of danger looming over her life. She recounted a harrowing experience, claiming to have lived in constant fear, even narrowly escaping a life-threatening situation just days earlier. Adding to her distress, she revealed that following her cook-a-thon event, she faced persistent threats, curses, and ridicule from individuals she referred to as "men of God."

Further raising alarms, a tweet by user Yemie Fash shed light on Chef Dammy's arrest by the police, emphasizing concerns about the alleged corruption within the arresting station. Yemie Fash urged Chef Dammy's family to speak out, calling for justice and support for the young chef in light of these alarming developments.